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Scan Cards to Get Rewards - Harian Metro 22 Nov 2018

Updated: Jul 28, 2021

DISCIPLINE has become the way of behavior management for students both at the primary or secondary level.

Yet, the education system in the country usually focuses on faults rather than positive practices of students.

Among adolescence, students experience confusion and external pressure in finding their own identity, thus being easily influenced by negative elements due to the lack or excess of care and control from adults.

How can we overcome this with the use of technology?

A private school in Bangi, Selangor has succeeded in proving that the use of QR codes can improve discipline among students, thus producing individuals who pursue goodness, especially during school sessions.

The school uses the StudentQR Points system developed by a local company that allow teachers to give merit or marks based on the positive attitude of students in the school using a QR code scan attached to the student ID card.

Among the merits or special ‘points’ such as earning reward points when filling petrol and so on can be given to students, including when the students help the teacher, come early to school, gotong-royong, send homework, read the Quran and so on.

All merits and total marks are determined by the school itself.

The burden on teachers is now lighter when they only need to submit student attendance and records faster without having to copy back from paper to the computer in the office.

Not only that, parents can also monitor the extent of their child's progress in school such as memorizing the Quran, reading books, school activities and so on.

The private school, Sekolah Menengah Islam Al-Amin Bangi became the first pilot school in Asia to use the StudentQR Points system.

According to the Headmaster Ahmad Fadhli Mohd Faudzi, the system has succeeded in improving the performance of his students dramatically.

"It can be said that there is an increase of up to 75 percent compared to before the system was involved before.

"Students are more disciplined and race to do good and everything is recorded neatly," he said.

He also encouraged the system to be used in other schools as well.

Student, Muhammad Naufal, 16, informed that before the existence of the system, there was a feeling of laziness to do good but it was successfully overcome with this application to scan the StudentsQR Points code.

"It may look insincere, but it's only the beginning because we are racing to beat other friends to get marks.

"Overtime, sincerity itself will come in due time after being happy to do good," he said.

Another student, Muhd ​​Raziq, 16, said the system made him more diligent than before as he had to compete with friends to get more marks from the teacher.

"For example, after I help the teacher, they will scan my student card and give certain marks which will definitely give encouragement to continue doing charity," he said.

Based on the study conducted, StudentQR Points improves student performance and discipline by up to 56 percent.

In fact, the system allows parents to know their child's activities and progress in school in real time.

Through a two -year study, the system has improved and received positive reactions from teachers, students and parents.

StudentQR also supports ‘offline’ mode where the application can still be used if there is no Internet connection and will be connected to the ‘cloud’ computing system when the Internet network is detected again.

According to the creator and founder of the StudentQR Points system, Syed Huzaifah Syed Omar, the same concept has been used since 2001 in the United States involving a total of 14 million students and has managed to improve student performance effectively.

"Imagine if we fill up with petrol to get reward points, the same concept is used for StudentQR Points cards according to the needs of each school," he said.

He said, some schools reward students who obtain the highest points at the end of the school session.

StudentQR Points is generated through a Bumiputera company, MyFuturity Global Sdn Bhd founded by Syed Huzaifah.

This article was published on : Thursday, 22 November 2018 @ 4:00 AM

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